There are different varieties of pears according to the maturation period. The early ones are ready to eat at the end of July. This time, I have chosen the late ones which are just nice and ripe and ready to eat (or cook) at the end of September. Green, with a hint of red and yellow color sort of pear from Slovakian grower was just perfect for the dessert as you will need firm, ripe pears. The recipe is perfectly simple. Just follow it step by step and you will create magical tasty autumn pudding!
Prep time: 30 min
Chilling time: 4 hrs
Serves: 8 persons
4-5 firm green pears (Bosc sort of pears)
250 ml white dry wine
100ml water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 vanilla pod
6 tablespoons of honey
100 ml of Disaronno or Rum (I prefer Disaronno)
400 g mascarpone/at the room temperature
2 small sachets of vanilla sugar (about 40g)

Medium size saucepan
Mixing Bowl (I use one from Le Creuset click here which I totally fell in love with!)
- First off - peel, halve and core the pears and place them into a bowl with a splash of lemon juice. Put the wine, honey and vanilla seeds in which you scrapped off your vanilla pod to the saucepan. After that, add the whole vanilla pod into the saucepan and bring it to medium heat. After your honey has dissolved, put the lemony peeled pears in and let them simmer until they are just tender.
- Take the pears out and let them cool down.
- After reducing the poaching liquid to a syrup, switch the cooker off and let the syrup cool down.
- Pour the syrup over the cooked pears and place them into the refrigerator.
- Meanwhile, make your mascarpone cream.
- Put the mascarpone into a mixing bowl, add the vanilla sugar, Disaronno and few spoons of poaching syrup. Whisk the mixture well until you get a nice smooth cream.
- After the pears have been chilled well ( I couldn't resist after just 1 hour!), take them out, place them nicely on a plate, pour some syrup over, add the dollop of mascarpone cream and you are good to go!

Buon Appetito!