T I R A M I S U is my favourite dessert. I could eat tiramisu E V E R Y single D A Y. But because this dessert is VERY high in calories and fat, I prepare it only occasionally. I have found this particular recipe on some Italian website a few years ago and must say since then everyone who tasted my tiramisu dessert just loved it! And you can try it too! It is simple and delicious. Let´s do it!
Preparation time: 30 min
Chilling time: 3 hrs
Serves: 8 persons
1 package savoiardi biscuits (400g)
6 free-range eggs
6 tablespoons caster sugar
5 strong espressos
3 tablespoons Disaronno or Amaretto Liquor
400 g mascarpone/at the room temperature
cocoa paste (in a solid-state) for final grating
/if you can´t use cocoa paste, use normal cocoa powder/

Hand mixer
Mixing Bowl (I use one from Le Creuset click here which I totally fell in love with!
Glass rectangle dish or few small individual bowls
- First, whisk egg yolks with the sugar until you get a nice pale color mixture. Put the egg whites into a mixing bowl and mix them with a hand mixer until they get nice and firm.
- Now, stir in your mascarpone into the egg yolk mixture - but make it slow and gentle. Fold in the egg whites.
- Meanwhile, make your espressos, let them cool down and put them into a bowl. Add the almond liquor Disaronno into it.
- Start off layering your tiramisu by soaking your savoiardi/ladyfingers biscuits into the espresso mixture and fill out the bottom of your glass dish.
- After that, place the first layer of your mascarpone creamy mixture on the top of the savoiardi. Repeat the first step and put another layer of savoiardi on the top. You want to make at least 3 layers of each. (Soaked savoiardi + mascarpone creamy mixture).
- After you finished your tiramisu with a layer of the mascarpone mixture on the top, grate some of the cacao paste over your tiramisu.

Let to sit in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
After that - enjoy! 🙂
Buon Appetito!