Surely, I don´t have to introduce Tuscany (Toscana in Italian) to you very much. It is a region in central Italy with about 23.000 square kilometers. The scenery with an unforgettable green landscape just takes one´s breath away! Even a million words cannot describe the beauty of this land. Once you find yourself there, you would feel immediate calmness and ease. It is the most ideal place on the earth to take things slowly and just relax (at least for me!). With a glass of red wine and a piece of pecorino sheep cheese from Pienza, you will spend the vacation of your lifetime!

1. Fiesole (Maiano) -olive paradise

If you decide to take a round trip around Italy (as we did in 2018) and you start your journey in the north, you would probably be heading for the great capital of this region, Florence /Firenze/. You should not miss visiting a small village called Fiesole just outside Florence.
Dated back to the 15th century, situated on the green hills of Tuscany, there is an organic agricultural estate, making one of the best olive oil in the region. Handpicked olives together with cold pressing process, make “Fattoria di Maiano” and its Laudemio Olive Oil place you shouldn’t miss while hunting after the best quality of this green liquid. Visit restaurant which is the part of the Fattoria di Maiano factory, delicatessen shop or furnished gardens for an ideal afternoon in an oasis of tranquility.

2. Florence – the capital of Tuscany

Florence. The best desserts, great art masterpieces, and old architecture. That’s how would many people sum up the capital of Tuscany. The most significant thing about Florence is its natural beauty which you can see by walking its typical streets, admiring the great architecture and unforgettable smell of food on every corner.
Click here to read more–> 24 hours in Florence on a budget.

3. Pienza – home of Pecorino

Tuscany is all about the food and wine, of course. But among other extraordinary things you can find there, one of them stands out. It is cheese! Pecorino cheese! This piece of pleasure comes in many different tastes. The more mature the cheese, the stronger and more delicate the flavor. As we traveled to Rome, we did make a stop at this cute village called Pienza. The unforgettable atmosphere within its tiny streets attracts every photographer & lover of wine and cheese to stay in its hidden corners for as long as possible. You should buy some pecorino cheese in La Taverna del Pecorino, which is extremely delicious! Apart from little shops with cheese and Franciacorta (Italian “champagne”), you will also find shops with hand-made ceramics or cosmetics. As I found out later on, Pienza is the headquarters of Bottega Verde, the largest cosmetics chain in Italy.

4. Montepulciano – cheers to Vino Nobile

In a small medieval village, called the same name as the red wine “Montepulciano”, there is everything you dream of when dreaming of Tuscany.
Gorgeous views of vineyards, red brick houses, tiny little alleys full of hidden wine bars and the most stunning sunsets you would ever have the chance to glimpse.
A few years ago, I didn’t even know that MONTEPULCIANO existed. This little village is very popular amongst US tourists as the series of The Twilight Saga: New Moon was filmed there.
For 50€/night, we booked our accommodation through AirBnB & stayed with the local lady who housed us in the basement of her big house, with a private garden. I can’t imagine more romantic, authentic Tuscan and cheaper accommodation! I recommend trying to stay with locals as the atmosphere of sipping on Vino Nobile in a private garden in the middle of Tuscany and talk to local nona who doesn’t speak a word in English is – priceless.
I do not care about The Twilight, or American tourists, but I know one for sure, I will be back to Montepulciano again!


Tuscany is a truly stunning place!

Be aware, that while you will be eating your breakfast and sipping on your coffee on the terrace of Cafe Poliziano in Montepulciano, the looking on the beautiful olive groves can make you cry.

Life is too short to wait any longer to experience that.

Visit the great treasure of Italy as soon as you can and you will fall in love with Tuscany instantly.

If you already visited Tuscany, I will be happy if you would share your comments or recommendations from your trip! Leave a message down below!

Salute amici!

Your Katush